What is the name and contact info of the agent who will be joining you?
What is your first and last name?
Will the agent be joining eXp Residential, Commercial or as a Referral Agent?
To learn more, click here > eXp Referral Divison Overview Video
How many years of experience does the agent have selling real estate?
What is the agent's approximate yearly sales volume?
In what state does the agent hold their primary license?
Has the agent chosen to join us at eXp, or is the primary intention of our meeting simply to give them a tour of eXp World and introduce them to their state broker?
Has the agent completed the join application?
If no, would you like for us to assist them in completing the join application?
Approximately when does the agent intend to transfer their license to eXp?
Has the agent toured our eXp World and been introduced to their state broker?
Download eXp World
Will the agent be moving more than one license in different states?
If yes, please enter the name of the state where the additonal license is held. If no, please continue to next step.
Will the agent be needing a Letter of Intent?
*An application form to request a delay in fully onboarding with eXp Realty.
For more information, click here >
Letter of Intent (LOI) Policy & Procedure
Will the agent be applying for a Cap Deferment?
For more information, click here > Cap Deferment Policy
Will other agents be joining at the same time?
If yes, please indicate the number of additonal agents joining below. If no, please continue to next step.
Will the agent be forming a team?
Standard Team & Mega Teams require eXp approval.
Self Organized teams do not require approval.
For more information, click here > Teams at eXp Realty
Will the agent be forming a Domestic Team?
Have you shared the details of the Accelerate incentive program with the agent/broker?
For more information, click here > eXp Incentive Programs Overview
Is there anything else we should know that will help us ensure we provide as much value as possible during our time with them?
Congratulations on your growth!
**Be sure to click the SUBMIT button below to complete this form and send your request.
We will be contacting the agent shortly, and we will provide you with updates as we proceed.
Essential Tools for
Agent Attraction Acceleration
The EPIC eXp Model Explained
The SECRET To Agent Attraction Success: Revealed!
eXp Incentive Programs: Boost, Accelerate, Thrive